
Future War: Programme and Recordings

The Future War conference takes place on Saturday 12th November at Birkbeck University. On this page, you will find the conference programme with a detailed schedule, some reading on autonomous weapons and our speakers’ bios (button below).

Recordings will be added here after the conference. Please allow a few days for processing.

If you can make it to the conference, please register here.

In the meantime, check out the event’s trailer video made with Prof. Paul Rogers!

CND national conference details

CND’s annual Conference this year, Nuclear Disarmament not Nuclear War! will take place over two weekends in October.



Saturday 8 October

This will be held by zoom, and determins the shape of our work for the year to come. London CND can send 5 representatives to speak and vote in accordance with London CND policies and priorities. Phil Sedler, John Morris, and David Leal will be three, two place for London reps are still open. If you’d like to put your name forward, please volunteer by relying to this email. (In the event of competition directly elected members of our committee will be given priority.)

Local groups and individual members of CND can also register to attend conference. Register here  for the AGM & policy conference by 28 September at the latest. Individuals please note you must be a Company Member to vote at the AGM. Unsure whether or not you are? Contact



Sunday 16 October

This takes the form of a Day of Action at Menwith Hill, Yorkshire – with workshops, a visit to the base, and transport back to Leeds railway station Julie and I will be there and we hope as many as possible London CND supporters will join us. Full details and registration here

The AGM and Policy Conference is a crucial part of CND’s democratic structure, and the discussions had and decisions made will shape the work of the campaign over the next year.

You find full details about CND’s national conference and AGM on the CND website here