Future War: Programme and Recordings

The Future War conference takes place on Saturday 12th November at Birkbeck University. On this page, you will find the conference programme with a detailed schedule, some reading on autonomous weapons and our speakers’ bios (button below).

Recordings will be added here after the conference. Please allow a few days for processing.

If you can make it to the conference, please register here.

In the meantime, check out the event’s trailer video made with Prof. Paul Rogers!

Report from CND protest at Lakenheath [Video]

The Lakenheath protest was a success! ✊US nukes are not welcome back in Britain, and we'll keep fighting to prevent their return.

Thanks to all protestors, donors and supporters!

We’ve made a short video recap with some key moments of the protest, and shared some pictures below:

In pictures

Annie Tunnicliffe appears in The Guardian

London CND member Annie Tunnicliffe gets a mention in the letters page of The Guardian, in response to a recent column by Zoe Williams about growing up in the shadow of the nuclear bomb. The piece mentions the historic Aldermaston marches and Annie is quick to point out that the organisation is not a thing of the past:

“The historical references to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in Zoe Williams’ piece may lead readers to believe that it is something from the past. In fact, CND is still vigorously campaigning against nuclear weapons, as it has since its beginnings in the late 50s. There is a thriving membership, with groups across the country campaigning locally and nationally for nuclear disarmament.

CND has a website and is active on social media – and if your algorithms aren’t showing you that, maybe seek us out and join us.”