‘If you make protests impossible to perform legally, criminalise non-violent direct action, abolish or restrict the ability of citizens to challenge the Government in court through judicial reviews, turn people against lawyers, gerrymander the election boundaries and dish out cash in the way that looks best for Conservative MPs – that is deep, dark politics.’ That’s how London CND Vice President and Green Party Baroness Jenny Jones summed up the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill which is currently being debated in the House of Lords. Read Jenny’s report and listen to her speech here
Fukushima 8th Anniversary meeting: Video
To mark the 8th anniversary of the Fukushima disaster, three mothers from the town met in Parliament, along with Caroline Lucas MP and Dr Ian Fairlie. You can watch a full video of the meeting below.
Parliament motion on US withdrawal from INF Treaty
Early Day Motion 1744 – put forward by Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP and supported Caroline Lucas, Jonathan Edwards, Peter Bottomley, Kelvin Hopkins, and Emma Dent Coad – has already attracted support from Scottish Nationalist, Plaid Cymru, LibDem, Conservative, and Democratic Unionist MPs. The full text reads:
‘That this House is deeply concerned by the announcement on 20 October 2018 by the US President of the decision to withdraw the US from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF); notes that withdrawal from the INF will serve to undermine international attempts to curb nuclear proliferation; further notes that this move will destabilise global and specifically, European security; commends those countries, including France and Germany, who have released statements criticising the move; and calls on the Government to use its influence on Washington to urge the US to deal with any concerns it may have over treaty compliance through diplomatic means and to uphold its commitments to the treaty.’