CND was prominent on the 29th May Free Palestine demo, one of the biggest for many years. As the G7 is coming to Cornwall, we’re taking to the streets again this Saturday to demand no more complicity with Israeli apartheid. Why? The G7 includes the biggest suppliers of arms and military technology to the Israeli state, which are vital to enforce Israel’s regime of oppression.
London CND Co-Chairs Carol Turner and Hannah Kemp-Welch (left) pictured here in Hyde Park with CND general secretary Kate Hudson.
Join us outside 10 Downing Street at 1pm this Saturday! Our message: 'Stop militarism and war – use our resources to deal with the climate catastrophe, pandemics and inequality’. CND placards will be there.
If you can’t come, CND encourages all its supporters to take a selfie with a note/poster showing why you’re against the G7. Send to