Evidence suggests U.S. nuclear weapons are stationed at RAF Lakenheath—without public consultation or parliamentary debate.
‘Don’t make us a target!’: Email your MP
On 16 January, Jill Hruby, a member of the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration, reported “[t]he new B61-12 gravity bombs are fully forward deployed…”. The bombs, which are three times more destructive than those deployed in Hiroshima in 1945, are reportedly being deployed across Western European NATO bases, including RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk- less than two hours away from London.
If nuclear conflict were to break out, the deployment of these bombs would make the UK and London a target. CND has written to the Prime Minister demanding a statement on the situation. The government is refusing to come clean on deployments.
This Friday, 14 February, members and groups are encouraged to build the pressure by contacting local MPs to demand accountability.
What you can do:
For groups:
Visit your local MP’s constituency office on Friday 14 February, and hand in a letter demanding transparency. See a model letter and bring this poster if attending.
Order materials such as leaflets and petitions to raise awareness
For individuals:
Email your local MP using CND's model email template and share within CND networks.
Collect signatures for CND postcard hand-in at 10 Downing Street
Attend Lakenheath’s peace camp between April 14th-26th
Donate towards CND’s legal costs
110 Nuclear bombs were previously stored at RAF Lakenheath, but due to popular protests, removed in 2008; we can do the same again: Help us stop U.S. nuclear weapons from coming to Britain.
If visiting an MP’s office, send photos to pressoffice@cnduk.org and info@londoncnd.org.