Tottenham Quakers & Haringey Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
invite you to a Public Meeting
Campaigning in France, Britain and Germany for a nuclear-free Europe and World
Dr Matthias-W. Engelke, Germany, member of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation/German branch, co-founder of the Ecumenical Institute for Peace Theology, OekIF, leading member of the Fast for the removal of all nuclear weapons from Germany
Etienne Godinot, France, co-founder of the Mouvement pour une Alternative Non-Violente and Vice-President of the Institute for Research into the Non-Violent Resolution of Conflict
Kate Hudson, United Kingdom, General Secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Board member of the International Peace Bureau.
Date and Time: Friday August 4th, 7pm (refreshments from 6.30 pm)
Venue: Friends Meeting House, 594 High Road, Tottenham, London N17 9TA
Zoom link: The meeting is also accessible on Zoom. See the following page for zoom link:
For further information:
Marc Morgan, Clerk of Tottenham Quakers; e-mail:
David Polden, Secretary Haringey CND; e-mail: